missing the deadline on the great recalibration
a poem written prior to the lunar eclipse of April 8 upon realizing a failed plan
i am getting concerned that we did not finalize the score for the eclipse
we failed again to reach for a consensus about what we should all say when the moon blocks the sun in full
i know i know i could write something quick
and that i need not attach the ego to the words
after all, it’s not so much about what people say
but that we all say it at the same time during true totality, just for the few minutes that the moon blocks the sun
and that we pace ourselves
and pronounce the words just at that angle with that so slight a curve
in as smooth a move as the planetary orbs do
and not for exactitude’s sake, but for the sake of things to come.
and when i say “we” i mean it loosely
“we all” can just mean everyone who opts in
and truly, it makes more sense to just decide a thing to say now and start campaigning
since we only have 4 days left to coordinate.
because my understanding of the great recalibration is we need only rally those people in the path of totality to say the same thing at the same time.
that means everyone who’s already in it by hazard of living life within that path,
and everyone who is entering the path for the purpose of viewing totality
but also any incidental travelers within that relative margin,
albeit massive.
truckers too…
but all the other people outside the path can just do their day like normal
going about the earth unexpressed.
so what i’m trying to say is: don’t be overwhelmed.
it’s not a worldwide effort as much as a concerted and targeted one and so yes,
i think four days might be enough to get it together
and you know, you can opt in
you can opt out,
all that’s asked is that if you’re not wanting to go about this plan-
if you’re not wanting to say the words-
just stay out of the path of totality and let all of us wanting
to proclaim it pure and simple with no detractors.
i know there are some of you who aren’t very eager for the great recalibration
some of you who are afraid of change:
you’re happy with the order of things
you’ve worked very hard for where you are and you don't want to see it all upended.
you spent a lot of time in discomfort and you finally found the sweet spot and the present circumstance is very much yours.
there are some of you who have adjusted to whatever it is that is happening even when it hasn’t been to your liking,
and you’ve toiled to attain that plasticity.
you say you’ve grown to like your husband,
you enjoy collecting Scene points
and you’re not eager for a balance change.
you coo you’ve transcended the impact of human carnage: the child's cry, it’s all just noise now.
you claim that it’s actually really comfortable to be living moment to moment,
and that by curtailing longing you’ve uncovered virtue.
if this is you, all i want to say is that I actually heard that after the great recalibration it’s blissful for everyone.
no matter how radiant you are, no matter how well adjusted or accomplished
no matter how jeweled you’ve bejeweled your retaining wall
or how dull your back has made the blade
no matter how naked you bask in the sea of acceptance:
it gets better.
you say you have 2 cows? you’ll have 3 cows after!
or you’ll lose your desire for cows
depending on how cows factor in come the great recalibration
because actually none of us can say
and if we could, well, we’d be recalibrating manually.
and i know it’s a moment where you’re also doubting the science
and i understand that as well
i don’t think most of us understand how it’s all going to work
how precise of an angle is required to cut it
or how the vibration of our voices bouncing off the full fucking shadow can rip a hole through time and create a new opportunity for all.
but it seems worth a try to just score this thing and see if it works.
in summary: we’re looking at maximum two and a half minutes vocalizing in unison while the moon eclipses the sun
just everyone involved has to agree to do it
it’s ok if someone else wants to do the words
but if we all need someone to do them, i can.
- s. schmidt, April 4, 2024